Zen and the Art of Tightrope Walking

  Femme se Coiffant (woman combing her hair)

Extract from my journal 2nd July 2010

I’m sitting in the Degas room, contemplating a painting: Femme se coiffant. The semi-naked figure is combing very long dark red hair that must reach her hips. It’s texture is slightly rough, a little like the tail of a horse and her intent in restoring smoothness to her tresses hums through every line of the painting. You can feel the concentration even though you can’t see her face. There’s a powerful feeling as if in smoothing her hair she is smoothing her feelings, as if her emotions are being brought to order as she tames her hair. I imagine her as a fiery, temper-filled person, brimming with passion and vitality and a zest for life. It’s hard to remember that these luscious thick tresses only a few years from this will have been…

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About authorsanon

We are several novels in search of a publisher. And a few more of us have found a publisher, but enjoy the company here anyway. View all posts by authorsanon

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